Empower. Educate. Experience

Food Coaching Consultation

  • This is unlike any other form of wellness coaching. It doesn't focus on counting macros or following a rigid nutrition plan, rather it focuses on working with high quality ingredients and healing spices that are local, organic, and affordable that will enhance your health naturally without restricting you to a specific plan.

    This program is here to empower you to identify and utilize whole food products in a way that supports and nourishes you without causing weight fluctuations, fatigue, stress, or unsustainable eating habits.

  • We will discuss your favorite cuisines, food sensitivities and allergies, goals you have around food and eating, as well as your relationship with food.

    From this information, I will develop a unique coaching program that includes, but isn't limited to:

    • Go-To Recipes for you (and family)

    • A breakdown of the education goals we would cover during your Food Coaching Sessions with Targeted Learning Objectives

    • A proposed action plan outlining the education goals, the time commitment each would take, and a list of the what you would get out of each goal.

  • I created this program to help individuals and families identify their food values and educate them on the areas of food they need to focus on in order to eat the way they want to.

    Food is something that should nourish us, not overwhelm. I help my clients gain confidence in their food purchasing, cooking abilities, and preserving methods so they are confident in what they put into their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones without breaking the bank or taking a ton of time away from their days and evenings.

Food Coaching Sessions

(Consultation required before signing up for these sessions)

  • These sessions are entirely based off what you and Katy discussed during your food consultation. She take your goals, desires, and food aversions and starts tackling them with you one at a time in 1-3 hour virtual or in-person sessions!

    Because this program is 1:1, the time is completely yours. You can use it to ask questions, get demonstrations, and ask for supplemental information and recipes that Katy can send you after the session.

    These sessions cover everything from using your CSA box to making pickles, to cutting vegetables. Everyone's experience in the kitchen is unique and will be treated with compassion and empowerment.

  • You can expect a clear and organized format for each coaching session the night before you have your 1:1 with Katy so you have time to look over the objectives and topics you will be covering. This enables you to ask questions, stay engaged during the session, and have minimal confusion during and after the session.

    At the end of your last 1:1 coaching session with Katy, you will receive a fully developed document with recipes, methods, local food vendors, healing and medicinal formulas etc. that were discussed throughout your sessions and will be yours to take and use going forward.

  • Because sessions can be planned both virtually and in-person, you have the flexibility of being almost anywhere when you do the sessions.

    The dates and times you meet each week is also decided by you! Katy will work with your schedule and accommodate the best she can so you can have 3-5 consecutive weeks of coaching sessions!

In-Home Cooking Classes!

  • These classes are designed to bring people together around good food and provide a fun environment to learn about the food you are cooking and the people you are cooking with.

    Along with learning basic knife skills, cooking techniques, and plating, you will also have the opportunity to sit back with a glass of wine and watch Katy give demonstrations on some of the more complex techniques involved in your chosen menu.

  • These classes are 100% customizable which means Katy will modify any of the pre-existing menus listed below to your group's liking, or she can develop a totally new menu based off a theme you want her to highlight.

    A few of her most popular menus include:

    • Thai Takeout

    • Vietnamese Street Food

    • Mediterranean Cuisine

    • Healing Spices

    • Party Taco Bar

    • Brunch Favorites

  • In-Home Cooking Classes are perfect for any group of people between 6-12 individuals that want to gather!

    This is a wonderful activity for families wanting to cook more together, companies hosting team bonding events, recreational organizations or sports teams, and old friends looking to do something new together.